Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Being Famous

Hello Humans,

A good human friend of mine named Nick Caruso (or as I like to call him "1101100111011", yeah I know, but he's cool with it) was watching Man Vs Food recently and he came upon a child-like crayon representation of yours truly on the wall of this human-dining establishment that is featured in the video. The actual show is about a large human male who travels the Earth, eating everything in his path. Along his destructive travels, he came to a place in Seattle called "Beth's Cafe" where he consumed a very large amount of cholesterol, protein and trans fats along with a small child.

No I am kidding about the small child. I WISH right? Can you imagine? So delicious for robots!


So on the wall humans have etched whimsical and questionably disabled drawings of things they think are fun and interesting. And one of them was me at the Chicago Chiditarod in 2008, in my Gift's For Jesus costume that won awards at the festivities!

Here's the link:


If you go to 02:47, you'll see what I mean.

So anyhow, I don't really know what to DO with myself after my television debut! Any ideas? What do obnoxiously famous humans do? Do they eat children? I hope they do.

Have a great night and lock your doors!

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